Програма за развитие на селските райони

Priority axes:

Support for local development under LEADER (CLLD — Community-Led Local Development)

Procedure Name:

LAG (Local Action Group) – Maritsa Municipality Measure М01 “Studies and investments related to maintenance and restoration of the cultural and natural heritage of villages. Preservation, development and valorization of the specific
local identity and local culture.”

Procedure Code: BG06RDNP001-19.019
Name of project proposal: ”Study of Roman Road
Location (Place of Project implementation): Maritsa municipality


Brief description of the project proposal:

The ethnological survey aims to gather information on the terrain about the living heritage of the villages Skutare, Rogosh and Manole, which are located on the territory of the “Roman Road” of Maritsa Municipality.
It is envisaged to make a historical study of the real values as well as information from historical sources presenting the region’s culture.
At the same time, the research interest focuses on the knowledge, skills and practices that are part of the cultural traditions and heritage and is passed on to the generations through various formal and informal means.
The study will be carried out in the archives as well as through a field
ethnographic survey, which will take place in three stages – in each of the listed villages – between 5 and 7 days in each villages.